Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

I was out shopping with my kids for my wife Jody for Mother's Day and ran across one of my neighbors and his child shopping for a card for his wife. He seemed almost surprised that we put the same effort into shopping for Mother's Day as we do Christmas and Mommy's Birthday.

I guess that between having 1 child and he and his wife both working and sharing a good bit of the childcare and household stuff (he cooks, cleans and is a very involved father), they had reduced Mother's Day to a "card holiday." Too bad. In my mind, that doesn't reduce the importance of Mother's Day, it just gives a little more depth to the celebration of Father's Day since he really does do more than most fathers I know.

Any way, in our house, with 6 kids (all home schooled by my stay-at-home wife), Mother's Day is pretty much one of the sacred holidays of the year ;-) It's off to church, then a brunch at one of her favorites - The Captain and The Cowboy in nearby Apopka - then home for a relaxing afternoon/evening.

Of course, I'm always reminded of something my buddy and former pastor, Dan Plourde used to always say on Mother's Day to his wife... "Honey, it's Mother's Day. You don't touch the dirty dishes or pans! They'll be there in the morning for you ;-)" (kidding of course ... he is a happily married man with 7 kids).

Well, off to shower and get Caleb (our 2 year old) ready for church. It's nice that the others can all dress themselves appropriately at  this point.

Have a super Mother's Day everyone!

All the Best,

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