Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Day 62 - SBTV.com Highlights Extreme Business Makeovers 2010

In case you couldn't tell ... for beginning just after Valentine's Day, my life begins to revolve around my annual Extreme Business Makeovers event. It's hard to describe just how special it is. I can only say that it's something you really have to experience for yourself.

If you haven't visited the site lately, you should hear some of the interviews that I've been posting on the blog there. Alisha Whiteway - aka AlishaTV - has been doing a great job interviewing the speakers who will be sharing with us at this year's event.

Here's another cool thing that I just received - a spotlight video announcement that SBTV.com just did about XBM2010 in their Bizz Buzz segment...

Hope I get a chance to see YOU at Extreme Business Makeovers 2010!

About This Chart: For those who haven't been following, I created this daily chart for the purpose of communicating and tracking some of my more important goals - publicly. You can read about it in THIS EARLIER POST.


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