Have you ever been struck by an idea and not known whether it was inspiration or insanity?
Having the impulsive personality I do, I must say that most of my greatest accomplishments and life changes have occurred when I've started to act on certain ideas without stopping to evaluate how do-able (or even smart) they might be. From creating the Extreme Business Makeovers Experience to proposing marriage to my wife with my very first words to her, my life has been forever enriched when I got out of analysis and into action. (NOTE: Some actions - like proposing marriage to a girl you've never spoken with - should carry a warning label which reads: KIDS, DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME. Fortunately, God has often shown me favor for my faith regardless of my lack of sense - as He did in my impulsive proposal to my wonderful wife Jody ;-)
So, this morning I had the idea to do something BIG to really challenge and inspire others ... something that will bring my authenticity and transparency online to a whole new level.
While I was journaling, I was thinking - I'm really a happy guy overall ... very blessed and grateful ... and, in most people's view, successful. At the same time, as I journal, I'm always writing things that I'm working on and goals that I have in order to increase my level of integrity. I know myself so I know firsthand how much more I can be doing. Most of these areas tend to be cases of "the cobbler's children having no shoes." Often, I'm helping others create balance, massive income gains and passive profit centers, while I'm running around like crazy trading my consulting time for dollars and neglecting important things like health, relationships and my own message development and product creation.
In order to make a dramatic and intense shift towards improving those weak areas and achieve my goals, I had the idea of reviving this abandoned blog of mine and use it as a tool to post my goals and give a daily update on progress and lessons learned along the way. When I told Jody, her initial response was, "It sure is gutsy." But, I figure it will:
- force me to treat myself like a client and take my own counsel
- be the ultimate accountability tool
- create a massive amount of energy and action
- inspire others to 'play full out' - at least THAT's the theory anyway
Hence, my little social experiment begins today. I'll start by posting my short-term goals. Then, starting tomorrow, I'll be posting here daily and will include an update chart to let you know how each goal is coming along.
Since my annual Extreme Business Makeovers Experience is April, 23, 2010, I thought I'd use that as my first goal deadline date and create a fresh set of goals after that! Here are the things I'm committed to accomplishing (in addition to my regular work) in the next 79 days:
1) Shed at least 50 pounds
2) Start and complete 1 book
3) Create and launch 1 informational product of my own
4) Launch 3 websites and post over 100 times
5) Help Go-Givers Sell More
6) Bring Jody on at least 10 dates
7) Call my Mom at least 10 times
8) Have at least 5 Scott Family Fun Nights
Nothing too ambitious eh? ;-) Just a few of the things that I've put in the "back seat" for too long! I'm excited about embarking on this journey and even having you along for the ride. Buckle up ... it MAY get bumpy ;-)
What do you think? Am I crazy or inspired? ;-)
I love it Thom!
Isn't it amazing how we folks who help others (called consultants) show so little respect for our own businesses (and selves) as we dedicate every breathing and waking moment to our clients' success?
I've been doing the same thing for decades now - and only in the last year have I awakened to say "Whats up with this?" My clients have gone on to great success - and I watch them collapsed on the couch, too tired to do anything for me. And then about the time I get up - here comes another client.
And so the circle continues. Well, not anymore. This year is my year for me. I'm still working my tail off - but this time it's for myself - transforming my business and my life toward the life of my dreams and loving every minute along the way.
Good for you for stepping up (and out) to share your evolution with all of us! And nice steps! Nothing too big or revolutionary - those Big Bangs cause disruptions that are non- sustainable ya know.
Your next 79 days sounds like a magical beginning for a Thom transformation. I'm blessed to be a part of it. And I'm here if you need a kick in the pants to stay on your own chosen course!
Go for it my friend! You deserve it ALL!
Thanks for the vote of confidence Rebel!
I count it an honor and privilege that I'll be able to be part of your revolutionary - dare I say Rebellious - year ;-) Looking forward to seeing "Defying Gravity" hit the big lists!
So proud of you. Public accountability is a powerful thing. I am thankful for social media for that very reason!
Love You & What You Stand For
Carrie Wilkerson
The Barefoot Executive
Thanks so much Carrie! What can I say.. you inspired me! I can't even tell you how often I tell people some of the simple lessons that you teach that make a huge difference for people ... like "Use your skills to pay the bills THEN pursue your passions!"
I love you and what you stand for as well ... which is why I am proud as can be that you will be teaching your real world strategies and principles to our Extreme Business Makeovers audience!
You're the best!
Woo Hoo, Thom! That's exciting!
I love what Rebel said, "a magical beginning."
This is bold, this takes guts, this is awesome!
Congratulations for stepping up. Can't wait to see your progress unfold!
That is fantastic, Thom!! Very proud that you are challenging yourself and pushing yourself the extra-mile!!
You will definitely succeed, I can feel it:)
Thanks so much Ava and Dr. Mommy. It's great to have people pullin for me!
I appreciate you greatly!
Love this!!!!!! Proud of you, Thom.
Why choose? Looks like Inspired Insanity ... and so perfectly you!
I'm in your corner on this one.
Oh yeah...I've got my eye on you, boy :)
Here's to YOUR Best Life Design.
Love and success to you!
Thanks Dr. Mollie,
Wow last time we spoke you mentioned my "manic" quality ... now "inspired insanity" suits me ;-) I don't exactly come off as very stable do I? ;-)
Oh well, guess I have to play the hand I'm dealt - even if I am a few cards short of a full deck ;-)
It's definitely off to an interesting start already ... EVERYTHING has been somewhat nuttier than normal today. Will be blogging about it later tonight.
Thanks for the vote of confidence!
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