Saturday, September 23, 2006

Ordinary Tools Can Deliver Extraordinary Results!

A review of Simpleology

Have you ever noticed that in our quest to get better results in our lives, we often look to external tools or solutions, rather than to the internal or existing tools that we already possess?

Whenever I visit a public golf course or tennis court, I'm reminded of this fact. It is there that I will often witness great feats of skill and prowess, performed using the most rudimentary of tools – an old, tattered set of clubs or racket, most likely acquired at a garage sale. This vision of their performance never ceases to inspire me, as I see, firsthand, how these true "weekend warriors" run circles around those of us who, perhaps, have put "looking the part" and equipping ourselves with the latest gadget or gizmo above developing our skills.

So, why do I mention this? Well, for 2 reasons actually. First, I think it helps to be reminded that it's more important for us to master the tools we have, rather than immediately seek new tools to be the "magic bullet" of improvement in our lives. (for instance ... a $1,000 9-iron may help Tiger Woods gain that extra edge, but it sure isn't going to help me if I'm not using my $50 9-iron with excellence.)

Secondly, a colleague of mine, Mark Joyner, has released a system which he calls Simpleology, which he is making available to participants for fr*e. He describes it as "the simple science of getting what you want." And, while it is brand new and innovative, its real power is in its simple and systematic focus on helping us develop the most powerful tool we already possess – OURSELVES!

Now, I have to preface the remainder of my comments by saying that Mark introduced me to this system almost 8 months ago now, but I have yet to make any public comments about it one way or another. Here's why – it has always been my policy, that I don't endorse or promote any book, product or service, unless I have examined it myself – even when I know, like and trust its creator. Why? Simply because my credibility is too important to me. So, I can honestly tell you, I've put Simpleology to the test. In fact, I'm now going through it for the third time in order to get even more out of it!

With that, I'll give my quick thoughts on the Simpleology system and let you know how you can check it out for yourself.

So, what exactly is Simpleology? I guess the best way I can describe it is as an online, multi-media success coach that literally leads you through a "paint by numbers" system for developing the skills and habits you need to make big changes in your life and get the things you've always desired.

It's format is that of a subscriber-based web site that includes powerful audios, videos, an ebook and worksheets that lead you, one simple step at a time, to the fulfillment of your short and long-term goals. Through this innovative format, Simpleology students are able to spend just 15 minutes a day reviewing the materials and participating in the simple exercises. And, even though the process and tool is short and simple, the results are nothing short of astounding. To a "maximizer" type like myself, this sort of time and concept leverage is unbelievably cool!

Is there anything earth-shatteringly new in Simpleology? No … and, then again, Yes. Frankly, for those who've been personal development buffs for any length of time, I've got to say that you're probably not going to hear anything that totally takes you by surprise. However, the format itself is so innovative and powerful that some basic principles that I already knew in my heart and mind were made real for me. I experienced the concepts firsthand. And, because of the strong self-accountability component of Simpleology, for the first time, I actually acted on and applied principles and strategies that I've known for years. Not only am I more charged up than I've been in years, but I've also got a definite plan and success track that I'm on to break through to new levels of effectiveness.

So, in my opinion, will Simpleology work for you? Nope! (Actually, this was a trick question.) Remember, this isn't some fancy $1,000 golf club. It's simply a guide and coach that will help you to use the greatest tools and resources that you already possess. So, it won't work for you, unless you work at it.

My advice … check it out for yourself. After all, Mark has been nice enough to make the full system available for fr*e, with no catches or anything. (Between you and me, Mark is a "sharp cookie" that employs what I call a ProfitFunnel System. He knows that as you get hooked on the successes that you develop through the Simpleology 101 System, you'll want more of his systems to help you go further in other areas. Eventually, he'll get me using and paying for his "$1,000 golf club." But, then again, I don't mind that at all, since by then he'll have me swinging like Tiger Woods!) ;-)

So, if you're interested, sign up for the Simpleology 101 system and give it the effort you deserve. I'd love to receive feedback on how you're able to make it work for you!

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